This is my firsh drawing which I used charcoal and pastal mix together.
The second drawing is also a charcoal drawing with white water colour on the top to make the main object stand more forward.
collage with charcoal
Homework 1
A corner
Charcoal drawing with pastal
After I made the background in a dark tone and the right hand side wall in a middle tone, the desk suddenly stands out. On the top of this page, I chosed to use white charcoal drawing the books and other stuff again without looking. It was totally a massive, lines are expended everywhere. I fixed it at the end.
water colour drawing
water colour drawing
water colour drawing by using dots
water colour drawing (Objects)
watercolour drawing (different position)
water colour drawing + charcoal (transparence)
Homework 2
water colour dawing on one house in 3 different views
5 water colour drawings mix with charcoal
a pure charcoal drawing on the right hand
charcoal drawing on the top
water colour drawing underneath
Homework 3
This is my final homework. First I drew a water colour drawing on the horizonal way, then used charcoal, drew a different perspective about the musium on the vertial. Finaly, I used white charcoal on the top of the drawing again.
Self reflection:
This workshop introduces students to drawing the built environment in a heap of different ways. This includes the various aspects of drawing fundamentals. From taking this workshop, I have learned as a modern architect you should always be creative. This is my experience combining water color painting with charcoal, and blind contour which is a new term for me. In this workshop found that the drawing of the built environment can go beyond the familiar watercolor medium. There is nothing wrong to stick on normal, but it is not an immutable concept for architectural study.